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Version: v1.2
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Records found: 17

Status: P: Pending, S: Suspended, C: Corrected, R: Not reproductible.

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Tool acronyms: IN: Installation, LM: License management, PM: Project manager, BE: BPMN editor, BS: BPMN Simulator (BPSim), BX: BPMN eXecutor, BV: BPMN Validation (OBP), ME: MSC editor, MT: MSC tracer, TE: Text editor

Tool id description comment date status forecast
* 3962 Sometimes, when closing a window that contains an unsaved element, the dialog asking confirmation appears behind another one.  Done. This issue happened only on the Mac because clicking the window close button does not bring the window above all others as it does on other platforms, and the dialog appears at the same "depth" as its parent window. The parent window is now always brought to the front before opening the dialog.  2020-04-24 C v1.2 
BD 3957 When replaying a scenario the MSC window uses the BPMN editor layout and hides behind the editor.  Done. The two kind of windows now use a different setting. If the setting for BPMN model editor windows is not found and there is one for diagrams, it will automatically use it to keep the previous behavior.  2020-04-24 C v1.2 
BE 4196 It would be nice to ignore XML comments in BPMN files rather than generate a parsing error.  Done  2020-12-17 C v1.2 
BE 4076 It would help to have detailed error reporting for the executor and OBP exploration.  Done.  2020-11-12 C v1.2 
BE 4067 It would be nice to have access to OBP graphical user interface for analysing the exploration.  Done.  2020-10-30 C v1.2 
BE 4068 Introduce deadlock check in BPMN exploration.  Done  2020-10-30 C v1.2 
BE 4080 Today, if a model contains symbols that are not available for edition, the execution is blocked too. For some symbol types, execution should be allowed anyway, e.g for data related symbols or groups, that have no impact on execution.  Done. When symbols are not available for edition but can be executed, the model is still opened read-only, but execution is available.  2020-10-21 C v1.2 
BE 4024 Support boundary events.  Done. Boundary event symbols for message, timer and signal catches can now be created in the editor. The executor support the associated boundary event semantic to verify the behavior of the model.  2020-07-29 C v1.2 
BE 3937 It would be nice if the arrows could move the selected symbols in the editor.  Done. Arrows now move the selected symbol(s) by one grid cell.  2020-05-11 C v1.2 
CV 3969 When printing a set of code coverage results, there is always an unneeded column for the testcase coverage, which always specifies 0 as the number of covering testcases anyway.  Done. The unneeded column has been removed.  2020-04-27 C v1.2 
CV 3960 When printing model coverage information, the icons are not printed and it looks like everything is zoomed in.  Done. Icons have been created for all BPMN-specific nodes and the printed document size has been decreased.  2020-04-10 C v1.2 
ME 4025 Support BPMN signals in MSC editor and tracer. The graphical representation could be similar to the one used for timers: a "start" when the signal is "raised", a "stop" when the signal is turned off, and a reception when the signal is received by an instance. An indication of which instance(s) has turned the signal on when the reception symbol is selected would be nice too.  Done. In the editor, three new tools have been introduced: one to create the start of a signal throw, one to create the end of a signal throw and one to create a signal catch. Selection of a signal catch symbol will automatically find the instances throwing the signal in the correct range and display their names in the panel on the right side.  2020-07-23 C v1.2 
PM 4045 After saving a project, opening another one via File -> Open project or adding files to it via 'Add existing files' displays the dialog that might not be in the saved project directory. It would be better to force it in this directory.  Correted. The 'open' dialog was forced to the current directory, which was not changed when a project was saved.  2020-09-01 C v1.2 
PM 4033 When a diagram or model in a project is changed on disk, opening it from the project manager may actually display the version from when the project was opened. Reloading the diagram or model, or the project as a whole solves the problem, but it would be better if the diagram or model was reloaded automatically when it has changed on disk.  Done. The editor will now always show the version on disk.  2020-07-22 C v1.2 
PM 3989 Add an option in the preferences to prevent the application from checking on the availability of a new version at startup.  Done. The new option in the 'General' tab in the preferences.  2020-05-28 C v1.2 
PM 3946 In order to be able to have several users working on the same file, it would be nice to introduce a lock file that prevents 2 users to modify the same file at the same time.  Done. A preference has been added to lock files that are in use. If it is on, the project is now locked when it's opened, and if it fails, it is possible to try to reset the previous lock or to open the project without locking it. For individual project elements, they are also locked on opening; if they cannot be, it is also possible to try to reset the lock, or the element is opened in read-only mode.  2020-05-15 C v1.2 
PM 3979 Introduce a default zoom factor in the application preferences.  Done. The default zoom factor can now be foud in the 'General' tab of the application preferences. It will be used for BPMN models, MSC traces & BPSC property diagrams.  2020-05-11 C v1.2