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Application: Process
Version: v2.1
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Records found: 7

Status: P: Pending, S: Suspended, C: Corrected, R: Not reproductible.

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Tool acronyms: IN: Installation, LM: License management, PM: Project manager, BE: BPMN editor, BS: BPMN Simulator (BPSim), BX: BPMN eXecutor, BV: BPMN Validation (OBP), ME: MSC editor, MT: MSC tracer, TE: Text editor

Tool id description comment date status forecast
BE 4475 It would be nice to show the critical path as a result of simulation.  In a business process the critical path is the sequence of activities that led to the actual overall execution time with the least inactivity. The link from one activity to another can be a sequence flow, a message flow, a signal or a timer. The analysis of the critical path starts from the ending symbol. For each activity it finds the previous activity in terms of execution time. Each replication of a simulation has a different critical path. At the end of the simulation each activity has an associated percentage representing how statistically critical it is.
In the Simulation scenarios window the Generate critical path heat map checkbox will activate the critical path analysis during the simulation.
To display the critical path graphically as a heat map, open the simulation results and a specific diagram. Click on the heat map tab on the right of the window and select the desired scenario.
The color scale is displayed at the bottom right of the window. Each symbol has a colored halo associated to its statistical value. A tool tip, when pointing to a halo, will show the exact value for the symbol. 
2022-08-30 C v2.1 
BE 4150 When the name of a lifeline is wrong in a PSC, the error is detected when an exploration is launched, but the displayed message is about a message sent or received by the instance, not the instance itself. It would be better to have a clearer error message.  Corrected. The error message still includes the name of the message that caused the error to be identified, but now also states that the root cause is the lifeline name not matching any participant.  2022-08-29 C v2.1 
BE 4477 Support the display of "heatmaps" in BPMN models. These heatmaps could be used to display the critical path after a simulation (feature 4475), but could also be used to display various information, possibly generated by external tools.  The heatmap file format is XML based and refers to the different symbols in the model. For each symbol a value is associated as well as a text. The whole diagram has a minimum color and a maximum color. The rule to calculate the color for each value is configurable. The text associated to each symbol will be displayed in a tool tip in the BPMN editor.   2022-08-02 C v2.1 
BE 4474 Exploration of big BPMN models may be quite slow. It would be nice to speed up exploration of such models.   Done. Some improvements were made but the exploration still remains slow.  2022-06-13 C v2.1 
MD 4151 The GUI to replay several scenarios could be improved: no default scenario selected, no way to select or deselect all, shift click does not work.  Done. All scenarios are now selected by default, shift+click works for selecting ranges and control+click to add or remove scenarios to the selection. A button "(De)select all" has also been added, allowing to clear the selection if there is one, or to select all scenarios.  2022-08-29 C v2.1 
PE 4155 When verifying a property the name of the instances are not checked at all. Only the messages are. So it might happen the tool says the message does not exist where it actually mean the instance does not exist.  Corrected. The error message still includes the name of the message that caused the error to be identified, but now also states that the root cause is the lifeline name not matching any participant.  2022-08-29 C v2.1 
PM 4397 It would be nice to see which file is open in the Project Manager. This is particularly useful when looking at simulation results that combine a BPMN and a BPSim file.  Done. The opened elements in the current editor are now indicated with a light grey background in the project tree.  2022-08-08 C v2.1