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Application: Studio
Version: v4.4
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Records found: 18

Status: P: Pending, S: Suspended, C: Corrected, R: Not reproductible.

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Tool acronyms: IN: Installation, LM: License management, UE: UML editor, ME: MSC editor, TE: Text editor, SE: SDL-RT editor, PM: Project manager, PG: Prototyping GUI, CG: C code generator, MT: MSC tracer, MD: Model debugger, MS: Model Simulator, MV: Model validation, DE: Document editor, TT: TTCN-3 support

Tool id description comment date status forecast
* 2099 When trying to increase an editor window size on the right side, nothing happens because actually the user has grabbed the internal panel border instead of the windows border.  Done. When the browser is hidden, it is now completely removed from the window, not leaving the vertical bar allowing to resize it.  2012-10-05 C v4.4 
CG 2083 Introduce a profile for FreeRTOS.  The profile has been inroduced and tested with the FreeRTOS Windows simulator.  2012-07-04 C v4.4 
IN 2107 Instead of just saying what should be done, the installation script for RTDS should create two scripts rtds-config.sh and rtds-config.csh defining the required environment variables. These scripts can then only be 'sourced' in any user's login script to get a working RTDS installation.  Done. The final installation message now says these scripts should be "sourced" in the user's login script instead of asking to define the environement variables "manually".  2012-10-04 C v4.4 
IN 2105 Create the directories in share/ccg as read-only, to avoid the users to delete their contents by mistake.  Done. The directories are protected via a chmod a-w on Unices and attribs set to readonly on Windows.  2012-10-04 C v4.4 
MD 2103 In the simulator/debugger window, the icons for 'refresh' and 'restart' are too close too each other and not clear enough, and it happens a user restarts the system when only wanting to do a refresh.  Done. Both icons have been changed and the new refresh icon has been put on the right side of the toolbar.  2012-09-14 C v4.4 
ME 2137 When generating an MSC out of a TTCN-3 file, the time panel should be hidden since there is no such information.  Done. The panel is automatically hidden when there are no times to display in all cases.  2013-01-31 C v4.4.1 
MS 2123 The default display format for hex strings and octet strings should be hexadecimal, and a new binary format should be used for bit strings. These strings must be modifiable directly in this format too.  Done. The display and edition is now done in the proper format.  2012-12-19 C v4.4 
MS 2110 Improve support for homonymous literals. Specifically, these should work when used as procedure parameters or return types.  Done. Homonymous literals should now work everywhere in simulation.  2012-10-04 C v4.4 
MS 2108 Support SDL remote procedures.  Done. The procedures must defined using the new SDL-2000 syntax, with ( ) around the parameters and the return type after ->. Importing from a PR/CIF file is also supported with this syntax.  2012-09-27 C v4.4 
PM 2115 Introduce the possibility to generate a SDL representation from comments in C code.  From the RTDS source file editor, it is now possible to generate an SDl representation of a C code by writting specific comments.  2012-11-26 C v4.4 
PM 2097 Do not allow byte code generation on non executable diagrams.  Done. Trying to run a debug session or a code generation on a non-executable diagram now displays a message in the project manager and does nothing.  2012-10-08 C v4.4 
PM 2087 In the Project Manager, select a node and drop the contectual menu with a right click. Select Rename... Change the node name an nothing else and click ok. A window pops up explaining the file already exists.  Done. The warning was needed in a former version of the dialog, but was no more needed. It has been removed.  2012-07-16 C v4.4 
SE 2091 Allow decision links to have a text with several lines. Today, only one is allowed, a return validating the text.  Done.  2012-08-01 C v4.4 
SS 2095 The warning for discarded messages should be a default option.  Done. This will apply for all new installations, former users with another setting already in their preferences will keep it.  2012-10-08 C v4.4 
SS 2096 Make sure a warning for a discarded message is printed after the receive message.  Done. The warning was here, but was issued before the reception trace.  2012-10-08 C v4.4 
TT 2144 When an TTCN code generation is done from MSC, make possible to generate some instance as PTC and make them communicate with the MTC.  Done  2012-12-31 C v4.4 
TT 2092 Introduce an MSC representation of a TTCN source file.  Done. A new button in the source file editor allows to see a read only MSC representation of a TTCN file. Please note this feature is not available on Solaris.  2012-10-10 C v4.4 
TT 2085 Provide a way to execute TTCN testcase out of a control part and make an IHM to select testcase to execute when simulation is started.  Done. It is now possible to execute only one testcase from a module or the control part, and a IHM allow to easily see the results.  2012-09-14 C v4.4