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Version: v4.6
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Records found: 28

Status: P: Pending, S: Suspended, C: Corrected, R: Not reproductible.

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Tool acronyms: IN: Installation, LM: License management, UE: UML editor, ME: MSC editor, TE: Text editor, SE: SDL-RT editor, PM: Project manager, PG: Prototyping GUI, CG: C code generator, MT: MSC tracer, MD: Model debugger, MS: Model Simulator, MV: Model validation, DE: Document editor, TT: TTCN-3 support

Tool id description comment date status forecast
* 2420 When creating a node in the project tree for a C or C++ source file, the filter for the file name is '*.c*', which also selects a lot of other files that aren't C/C++ source files at all. It would be better to select only .c or .cpp files.  Done. The filter now selects files with .c, .cpp and .c++ extensions only.  2015-02-24 C v4.6.1 
CG 2427 Introduce Windows version of the deployment simulator  Done. Deployment simulation is now available on Windows and uses ns-3.10. On Linux both ns-3.10 and ns-3.21 (already in RTDS v4.6) can be used.  2015-02-27 C v4.6.1 
CG 2340 Introduce support for deployment simulation  Done. UML deployment diagrams can be used to generate a ns-3 simulation executable from SDL (or SDL-RT) models. External signals can be configured in CSV format. Simulation traces are visualized in live and post-mortem mode. Deployment simulation is available only on Linux.  2015-02-13 C v4.6 
CG 2344 When generating for the C scheduler, provide a way to make the scheduler stop after one or several rounds of scheduling. Today, it loops forever, preventing integration of the generated code in some contexts.  Done. The reading of the external message queue may now return a constant named RTDS_BREAK meaning there is no message to handle, and the scheduler should exit the event handling loop. The corresponding code is deactivated if the RTDS_BREAK macro is not defined.  2014-10-21 C v4.6 
CV 2411 Introduce colors in the code coverage results: symbols not covered at all could appear red and transitions only partially covered as orange.  Done. When the minimum and maximum hits are 0, the line in the tree is red; when the minimum hit is 0 but not the maximum hit, the line is orange.  2015-02-17 C v4.6 
DE 2368 When exporting a project to HTML, nothing is exported for documents. It would be nice to do a default document export as HTML.  Done. The document is exported without any special formatting (no HTML template) in a sub-directory of the export directory to avoid file name collisions.  2015-01-26 C v4.6 
LM 2317 When using PLM it happens the license server does not see a client has gone. That usually happens when the client has crashed or if the network connection gets interrupted. The license server socket connection is not released. It would be nic to easily free these pending licenses.  A new button in the PLM_License_Manager has been introduced to force the release of a license.  2014-08-21 C v4.6 
LM 2300 There is no script to automatically start plm server on Mac.  A script has been added to be started at login time.  2014-07-24 C v4.6 
MS 2457 In TTCN simulation, remove restriction that two different ports cannot have the same incoming message type.  Done.  2015-06-09 C v4.6.1 
MS 2416 When the option to force default values for all types is unchecked, and if a complex variable has not been completely set, no values for its components are displayed at all, even if these components have been set. For example, for a struct with 2 fields a and b where a has been set, but not b, the value for the field a will not be displayed in the simulator window anyway.  The issue is mostly due to SDL semantics: as long as the value for the complex variable has not been entirely set, its value is supposed to be 'undefined', which makes all its components 'undefined' too. A special case has been introduced when displaying the values in the simulator window to get the values set internally instead of just marking it undefined. A clearer error message is also displayed when an error occurs during simulation because of a variable with the 'undefined' value.  2015-02-24 C v4.6.1 
MS 2358 In simulation, introduce a testcase coverage: for each symbol in the code coverage results, indicate which testcases had led to the execution of this symbol.  Done. The testcase coverage is now computed automatically while the simulation is running, and the results integrated in the code coverage results. A new column in the code coverage viewer displays the number of testcases covering the corresponding qymbol. Right-clicking on it allows to list and open the testcases. A link has also been made with the requirements (feature 2333).  2014-12-08 C v4.6 
MS 2211 During a simulation, allow to handle uninitialized variables as such, meaning every use of them except for as an assignment target should report an error.  Done. A new simulation option has been introduced, named 'Force default default values for all types', checked by default. If the option is unchecked, types with no explicit default value will have all variables undefined by default, and accessing them for anything else than giving them a value will report an error.  2014-08-05 C v4.6 
MS 2213 When a signal is sent to a non existing process, the simulator returns an error and goes in error state, preventing any further execution of the system. It would be better to have an option to just report a warning and allowing to continue the execution.  Done. A new option has been introduced in the preferences allowing to select if a message with no receiver should issue an error or just a warning.  2014-07-21 C v4.6 
MV 2448 Default value for a record in xLIA export is not generated  Corrected.  2015-05-21 C v4.6.1 
MV 2437 Allow to generated xLIA code from the outside world.  Done. command rtdsExportxLIA now generate xLIA form the outside world.  2015-03-30 C v4.6.1 
MV 2324 Give the possibility to easily navigate from a xsfp file to the SDL system.  Done.  2014-12-17 C v4.6 
MV 2325 Make a link between an xfsp errors and SDL model  Corrected. Done for some types of errors.  2014-03-04 C v4.6 
PM 2314 RTDS should know about the application related to an extension such as pdf, doc, ppt...  Done. If there is an application defined in the preferences, it is used to open the file. If there isn't, the opening is attempted through the underlying OS services. If these fail, then RTDS asks the user to define an application to open the file.  2015-01-30 C v4.6 
PM 2366 In the project search dialog, there is no indication displayed when the search is over, even when nothing was found.  Done. An additional '(End of search))' line has been added in the results when the search is over.  2015-01-13 C v4.6 
PM 2367 In the window displayed when a license could not be checked out, the icon is not the RTDS icon.  Done. The correct icon has been set on the actual main window (which is now hidden) so that it is inherited by all the windows in the application.  2015-01-13 C v4.6 
PM 2354 Add a possibility to output the results of a diagram diff as a PDF file. The file would contain one set of images for each difference: one of the partition containing the difference in the first version of the diagram, and the other one the partition of the second version, with the difference highlighted on both.  Done. A new button has been added in the difference browse dialog and an option has been added to the rtdsDiagramDiff command line utility.  2014-12-03 C v4.6 
PM 2333 Introduce a requirements matrix to see the relation between a requirement and the model element.  A simple matrix viewer has been introduced.  2014-09-12 C v4.6 
PM 2322 Introduce a simple way to manage requirements in a project. Links to elements covering the requirement should be available.  Done. The requirements are stored in a table in CSV format as exported by Excel, or as a tab-separated table in a text file. Each requirement has an identifier, a description and a list of elements covering it.  2014-09-01 C v4.6 
PM 2289 When running the simulator directly from the RTDS command line, add an option giving a scenario that should run as soon as the debugger is launched.  Done. An option named --debug-scenario has been added to the RTDS command line, allowing to specify the file for the scenario to run after the debugger has been started.  2014-07-18 C v4.6 
PM 2291 When RTDS is launched and there are no more available licenses, a dialog is displayed saying so, but this dialog often appears under the splash screen, making it hardly visible.  Corrected. This happened because the spalsh screen is a borderless window, and not a 'normal' one. It has been turned into a normal one before displaying the dialog on X11.  2014-07-17 C v4.6 
SE 2353 Allow to run an interactive diff on 2 diagrams from the command line. The syntax could be for example: rtds --diagram-diff   Done. The added options are actually --diff-diagram-file-left to specify the file for the diagram to compare that appears on the left side, --diff-diagram-file-right for the one appearing on the right side, and --diff-logical-only to perform a logical diff only, the default being to perfomr a full diff (logical and graphical).  2015-01-13 C v4.6 
SE 2362 Today, in diagram editors, navigation and text edition are done in a way that sometimes causes them to collide with each other: double-clicking on a symbol sometimes try to open the definition element when the user wants to edit its text, and the reverse happens too. It would be better to have two modes: an edition mode where double-clicking on the text opens it for modification, and a navigation mode where double-clicking on a symbol always opens it definition element. The other operation should be done another way, for example via a button appearing when the mouse pointer hovers over the symbol. The default mode should be a preference, and it should be possible to change the mode on each editor.  Done. Editors now have two modes: in edition mode, double-clicking on texts opens the text for edition, and a hover-button allows to open the diagram associated to the symbol if any; in navigation mode, double-clicking on a symbol opens the associated diagram, and a hover button allows to open the text for edition. The mode can be switched via a menu item or a toolbar button for a given editor, and the default mode can be configured in the preferences.  2015-01-13 C v4.6 
UE 2419 When trying to associate an actual file to a file symbol in a deployment diagram, the only options are to create a C/C++ source file or a C/C++ header file. External files should be available too, especially for the deployment simulator, that requires a CSV file.  Done. The type for the created node is actually figured out automatically from the extension specified in the file symbol: .c, .cpp or .c++ will create a source file node; .h, .hpp or .h++ will create a header file node, and anything else will create an external file node.  2015-02-24 C v4.6.1