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Application: Studio
Version: v5.5
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Records found: 36

Status: P: Pending, S: Suspended, C: Corrected, R: Not reproductible.

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Tool acronyms: IN: Installation, LM: License management, UE: UML editor, ME: MSC editor, TE: Text editor, SE: SDL-RT editor, PM: Project manager, PG: Prototyping GUI, CG: C code generator, MT: MSC tracer, MD: Model debugger, MS: Model Simulator, MV: Model validation, DE: Document editor, TT: TTCN-3 support

Tool id description comment date status forecast
* 3465 Linux 64 bits version of PragmaDev Studio  Done. This version is now the one delivered for Linux.  2019-12-02 C v5.5 
* 3660 Some new GUI themes exist that could be added to the distribution.  Done. The added themes are black, radiance, waldorf, and themes in the scid family (scidblue, scidgreen, scidgrey, scidmint, scidpink, scidpurple and scidsand). Note that some of these are not available on Windows, due to lack of proper support for PNG images.  2019-07-23 C v5.5 
* 3658 64 bits macOS version  Done. The 64 bits version has an improved look and feel, and can also use POLLM as the license manager, in addition to PLM.  2019-07-22 C v5.5 
*E 3683 To print diagrams, the only possibility today is to configure a print command in the preferences. There could be a smarter way to configure this, as commands like 'lpstat -e' return the list of available printers, which can then be used for the option -d of the standard 'lp' printing command.  Done. For printing commands, there are now 2 options: either a single command as before, or the possibility to use a command template. When using this option, a command returning the list of printers must be configured (e.g. "lpstat -e"), and a command template must be defined. In this template, %p will be replaced by the printer name, and %f by the file to print. A typical command template is "lp -d '%p' '%f'".  2019-09-10 C v5.5 
*E 3455 When searching for regular expressions, it would be nice if the replacement could include groups in the expression, allowing for example to exchange two parts of the searched text.  Done. The groups are indicated in the searched regular expression by enclosing them between (), and they can be referenced in the replacement text by using \i, where i is the index of the group in the regular expression, starting at 1.  2019-01-17 C v5.5 
CG 2526 Have a way to generate a stand alone executable that can connect to the prototyping gui or at least that has a socket connection available.  Done. A new option in the "Debug" group has been introduced, allowing to generate with standalone prototyping GUI runner support. A package with the extension .rdy is also generated that can be run directly by anyone having installed PragmaDev Studio. The prototyping GUI can also be run by itself within PragmaDev Studio by selecting it in the project and clicking the "run" quick-button, or via an external command. When launched, the executable will connect to the prototyping GUI and interact with it the usual way. Note that the whole project is not necessary for the connection to work: only the .rdu file, the generated executable and the generated RTDS_gen.ini file are necessary.  2019-09-27 C v5.5 
CG 3606 Provide a way to exchange messages with the environment as encoded ASN.1. When a message is sent from the system to the environment, it would be described as ASN.1 encoded data, and some encoded data describing an incoming message in the system would be automatically transformed into a message.  Done. A new option in the generation profile activates this generation. When it is on, messages exchanged with the environment are checked and if their parameters all have a type defined in ASN.1, encoders and decoders are generated for them. Two new macros are defined: one sends a message described as a ASN.1 encoded stream to the SDL system; the other one must be defined outside the system and will be called whenever a message is sent to the environment and receive the ASN.1 encoded data. The encoding used is BER.  2019-01-08 C v5.5 
CG 3601 When a code generation profile does not specify a compiler, it is used anyway to try to generate the encoders and decoders for the message parameter types, which of course, fails. It would be better to spot the issue and display a proper error message.  Done. When neither the preprocessor nor the compiler command is specified, a proper error message is now issued asking the user to specify them.  2018-12-07 C v5.5 
CG 3573 Code generation in dynamic mode for the data structures is totally forbidden on SDL. But in TTCN+SDL co-generation, it actually would work. It would be better if it was allowed in this case.  Done. Now only trying to generate the code for the SDL alone will trigger an error message.  2018-11-12 C v5.5 
CG 3571 On macOS, the default generation profiles created by the wizard and in all examples use gcc/g++ for their compiler. But these commands are now aliases for clang. It would be better to use clang directly.  Done. All profiles for macOS in the examples have been setup to use clang, ld & lldb (see feature 3570)  2018-11-12 C v5.5 
DE 3636 Allow to export a PragmaDev Studio document in LaTeX format.  Done. The new export type can be done by itself, where it just exports the contents of the document, or by using a template, which allows to export a full document.  2019-03-25 C v5.5 
DE 3640 Allow to replace paragraph styles or character styles by others everywhere in a document. This would be particularly useful when a document is imported in a project and uses styles that do not exist in the project's documentation options.  Done. This is done by selecting the 'Replace styles...' entry in the 'Edit' menu in the document editor. Used styles can then be replaced by other ones, including styles that are used in the document but not defined in the project's documentation options.  2019-03-22 C v5.5 
IN 3794 Code-signing a script such as the one used to install PragmaDev Studio does not seem to work properly on latest versions of macOS. It would be better if the installation utility was a proper application.  Done. The installer is now a code-signed application, behaving the exact same way as the former one.  2019-11-28 C v5.5 
IN 3678 The default installation directories on Windows is C:\PragmaDev, with no subdirectory. This can be a problem if several PragmaDev tools must be installed on the same computer. It would be better if the default installation directory was C:\PragmaDev\Studio.  Done. The default installation directory is now C:\PragmaDev\Studio.  2019-08-29 C v5.5 
LM 3675 Introduce a 64 bits version of PLM.  Done on Linux and macOS.  2019-08-20 C v5.5 
MD 3967 In the Simulator or Debugger window, clicking on the prototyping gui button when the gui has already been started and is running somewhere displays an error message. It would be nice to just pop it up.  Done. If a prototyping gui windows exists it will ask the window manager to deiconify it.  2020-04-23 C v5.5.5 
MD 104 Remember pane sizes  Done. The menu item to remember the window size & position now also remembers its layout: pane sizes & column widths in all tables.  2019-02-01 C v5.5 
MD 3619 The icons appearing in the tree of the simulator tree window do not look like the other icons in the application and should be updated.  Done. The icons have been updated with a looks more consistent with the rest ofthe application.  2019-01-22 C v5.5 
MD 3570 Support LLDB as a debugger for model debug.  Done. A new entry in the menu for debug environments have been created in the generation options, and lldb is now the default debugger when configuring a generation profile via the wizard.  2018-11-15 C v5.5 
MS 3668 When an external tool is connected to the simulator, the case for the values sent to this tool is not the one that is in the code: all identifiers are put in lowercase. This can be a problem with some external tools, especially with literal names.  Done for literals.  2019-08-09 C v5.5 
MS 3650 Add an option deactivating the check of identical identifiers for types and variables.  Done. This check has actually been moved to the non-critical errors, so configuring the semantics check mode to 'critical only' in the preferences will now turn it into a warning. The corresponding warning id is SDCL003, so adding this id to the ignored ones will actually make the error completely disappear.  2019-05-27 C v5.5 
MS 3567 Extend PragmaLib with procedures to get (read) values of FMU variables in FMI2 simulation.  Done.   2018-10-29 C v5.5 
MT 3521 There is no "official" way to run the tracer without a GUI anymore. There should be one, as the command-line version was offering some possibilities that are not available today in the GUI, such as multiple concurrent tracing.  Done. The command-line interface for the tracer has been integrated in the general tool pragmastudiocommand. The subcommand is "tracer". The options are those supported by the former command pragmatracer.  2019-09-27 C v5.5 
MT 3200 The tracer can not handle a lot of events. Zoom in and zoom out for example can take ages. May be it should display a window of events only.  Done. A maximum trace height can now be configured in the preferences. When it's set, only the corresponding number of events are displayed in the tracer window. The saved traces still contain the whole trace.  2018-12-03 C v5.5 
PG 3578 An activity tracker has been introduced in the prototyping gui to analyze upcoming unexplained exceptions.  This feature will only track the basic actions but does not for example track the prototyping gui file itself.  2018-11-14 C v5.5 
PM 3701 When a new version is available for download, the current version displayed in the notification or the dialog does not always include the edition.  Done. The edition was sometimes not included, which could make things confusing.  2019-10-25 C v5.5 
PM 3689 When adding a new component to a project, if only the name of the element is specified in the dialog, it could be nice to have an automatically computed file name instead of having to specify one explicitely.  Done. When a name for the node is entered, a default file name is computed and appears in grey in the entry for the file name whenever needed. A specific file name can still be chosen, which will appear in black in the entry and won't be replaced by the default one.  2019-09-26 C v5.5 
PM 3673 In the 'new project' dialog, make the entry for the project name inactive until the 'Browse' button has been clicked and a file name selected. This will prevent the user from entering directly a project file name without directory, which is unsupported.  Done. The entry is now only modifiable after a file name has been selected with the 'Browse' button.  2019-08-16 C v5.5 
PM 3607 Have a way to display the directory containing the current project in a file manager.  Done. A new menu item 'Open project directory in file manager' has been created in the 'Project' menu. Note that a way to open it already existed on macOS by right-clicking on the project name in the project manager's title bar, which also selects the project file in the directory.  2019-05-17 C v5.5 
PM 3527 When doing a 'find all', it would be nice to have an indication of the number of hits in each diagram or file, for example with a suffix (i/n) in each result, i being the index of the results and n the total number of hits.  Done. The indication is actually done via a sub-total line for each diagram or file inserted in the list of results. This has the advantage to introduce a visual separator between diagrams & files.  2019-04-30 C v5.5 
PM 3639 Allow to export all documents in a project at once, using their default export options.  Done. A new item named 'Export all documents' has been added to the 'Project' menu in the project manager.  2019-03-20 C v5.5 
PM 3600 When creating a new project, there is a "Custom" generation profile that is created by default that uses the WindRiver integration. It would be better to avoid creating it, since it's unlikely to work for most people. A best option would be to create profiles for the supported host platforms: Windows, macOS & Linux.  Done. The default generation profile is now called 'Code gen.' and uses sensible options for the current platform, even if it's not directly usable.  2018-12-07 C v5.5 
PM 3576 Improve the error message when TTCN testcases cannot be generated from a system because the messages to or from a system include a parameter with the type PID, which has no TTCN equivalent.  Done. When the system interface uses a PID directly or indirectly, a proper error message is now displayed saying that this type has no equivalent in TTCN.  2018-11-22 C v5.5 
SE 3749 When cutting or deleting symbols in a diagram, the browser on the right will pop up if it is hidden. It would be better to keep it hidden.  Done. The browser was popping out because in legacy behavioral diagrams, deleting or cutting a symbol might have an effect on the state/transition browser. But it wasn't really necessary in this case, and totally irrelevant in a non-behavioral diagram. Now deleting or cutting a symbol will leave the browser as it was.  2019-11-28 C v5.5 
SE 3759 When going over the text of a symbol the mouse cursor will change accordingly, however it will stay in text edit mode even after exiting the text.  Done. The 'enter ' & 'leave' events were actually handled twice, leading to the text edit cursor to be remembered as the standard cursor for the diagram canvas when an entry was created.  2019-11-28 C v5.5 
UD 3599 The size limitations for the diagrams and the project as a whole in the free version don't seem to be documented anywhere. It would be nice to have them in the Installation Manual, or in the section about Licensing in the User Manual, or both.  Done. A paragraph has been added in the Installation Manual listing the size limitations on model elements and the project as a whole.  2019-01-08 C v5.5